Searches your database when you enter 'details [query]' into an AtomJump Messaging window
Note: this release should still be considered an Alpha.
AtomJump Messaging Server Version: >= 1.7.2
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Searching an AtomJump Messaging Database

Note: you should be using MySQL ver >= 5.6, as FULLTEXT indexes are not supported on innodb tables. See the notes below for an alternative.

You should set the config.json 'innodb' field to true

Create the index first:

USE ssshout;
CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX searcher ON tbl_ssshout(var_shouted);
CREATE INDEX ispublic ON tbl_ssshout(int_whisper_to_id);

Then include the following SQL queries to provide a free text search in your config.json 'sqlQueries' array:

"sqlQueries": [ 
"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS best_options",
"CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE best_options SELECT var_shouted, int_whisper_to_id FROM tbl_ssshout WHERE MATCH(var_shouted) AGAINST('[SEARCH]' IN BOOLEAN MODE) LIMIT 200",
"SELECT var_shouted FROM best_options WHERE int_whisper_to_id IS NULL LIMIT 10"

Or, if you want to include other fields, such as a time-stamp in the result, you can use

"sqlQueries": [
"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS best_options",
"CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE best_options SELECT var_shouted, int_whisper_to_id, date_when_shouted FROM tbl_ssshout WHERE MATCH(var_shouted) AGAINST('[SEARCH]' IN BOOLEAN MODE) LIMIT 200",
"SELECT CONCAT(var_shouted, ' [', date_when_shouted , ']') FROM best_options WHERE int_whisper_to_id IS NULL LIMIT 10"

For small sites, you can potentially use a MYISAM table, rather than an innodb table before creating the index. We cannot guarantee that will work in multiple server sites, however.


Searching a Generic MYSQL Database

E.g. in your config.json 'sqlQueries' array:

SELECT CONCAT(var_name, ' ', var_description) AS result FROM tbl_bike WHERE var_name LIKE '%[SEARCH]%' OR var_description LIKE '%[SEARCH]%' LIMIT 10

Searching a MYSQL Database with  a free textfield

Create the index first:

CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX searcher ON tbl_bike(var_name, var_description);

Then in your config.json 'sqlQueries' array:

SELECT var_name FROM tbl_bike WHERE MATCH(var_name, var_description) AGAINST('[SEARCH]' IN BOOLEAN MODE)

Or in this example, a filter at the end, and two fields concatenated:

SELECT CONCAT(COALESCE(var_name,''), COALESCE(var_description,'')) FROM tbl_bike WHERE MATCH(var_name, var_description) AGAINST('[SEARCH]' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND enm_active = 'active'

Note: the COALESCE prevents NULL values from returning the whole record as NULL.

Searching a Generic ODBC Database

You will need to install the correct ODBC driver for your database, and create a DSN (whether this is on Windows or Unix). Then enter the DSN name in the config.json 'dsnHere' field.
